Special Events
2020 Manure Nutrient Management Training Event
Thursday, February 20th in Lynden, WA
Videos from the event:
- Updates: What's happening in your backyard
- Irrigation Water Management
- Dairy Program Updates
- Advanced Nutrient Management
- WSDA Recordkeeping Tips
- Farmer Panel Conversation: Conservation on the Farm
See you next year!
2019 Manure Nutrient Management Training Event
Thursday, January 17th in Lynden, WA
Videos from the event:
- What’s Happening in Your Backyard
- Water Quality Highlights
- Cost Share $$ Program Updates
- Advanced Nutrient Management: Agronomic Rate
- Nutrient Management Practices Panel
- WSDA Manure Updates and Year in Review'
See you next year!
“'This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J18001-0 to WSDA. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.”
2018 Manure Nutrient Management Training Event
Videos and archive
2017 Manure Nutrient Management Training Event
Thank you to everyone who came out to the events this year! We had a great time and look forward to new topics and events in 2018!
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Whatcom County
Click HERE for videos from the Whatcom event
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Skagit/Snohomish County
Click HERE for videos from the Skagit/Snohomish event
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
King County
Archive: 2016 Nutrient Management Training for Dairy Producers in Western WA
CLICK HERE to access links to presentations from the Whatcom event.
CLICK HERE to access links to presentations from the Stanwood event.
CLICK HERE to access links to presentations from the Enumclaw event.
Archive: 2015 Nutrient Management Training for Dairy Producers in Western WA, January 7, 2015
Videos and information from the event can be found HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact: Nichole Embertson (360) 526-2381 x 126
Archive: 2015 Nutrient Management Training for Dairy Producers in Eastern WA, January 15, 2015
Videos and information from the event can be found HERE.
Whatcom Farmer Speaker Series