Facilities and Storage Management

The following section outlines the manure and waste handling practices that might be found on your farm. Each practice is outlined with operation and maintenance guidelines for optimal performance.  Proper operation and maintenance of facilities and waste storage structures is recommended for optimal effectiveness. Please review your DNMP to identify the practices that apply to your operation.

Summary Points

Install, operate, and maintain the following practices and/or structures following NRCS recommended practice standards and recommendations. For installation and as-built records, see specific design documents located in your DNMP. Install and maintain waste storage ponds, tanks, and/or dry stacks according to their original specifications.

In general, the following guidelines should be practiced on your operation at all times.

For details on each practice, see specific practice management guidelines below.

NRCS Practice Specs



A properly operated and maintained waste storage structure is an asset to your farm. The purpose of a waste storage structure is for temporary storage of animal wastes. The performance life of this installation can be assured, and usually increased, by developing and implementation of a good operation and maintenance program.

This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance.  The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.

General Requirements



A properly operated and maintained waste storage pond is an asset to your farm.  This waste storage pond was designed and installed to provide temporary storage of animal waste.  The performance life of this installation can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.

This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance.  The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.




A properly operated and maintained roof runoff management system is an asset to your farm. This system was designed and installed to divert roof runoff water before becoming in contact with agriculture wastes.  The performance life of this installation can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.

This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance.  The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.




A properly operated and maintained heavy use area protection installation is an asset to your farm.  Heavy use area protection was designed and installed as a travel-way for animals, vehicles, and equipment and is intended to help protect water quality in the area.  The performance life of the practice can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.

This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance.  The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.




A properly operated and maintained waste transfer system is an asset to your farm. This waste transfer system is designed and installed to move wastes from the collection area to storage, treatment or disposal. The performance life of this installation can be assured and will be increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.

This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance.  The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.