Facilities and Storage Management
The following section outlines the manure and waste handling practices that might be found on your farm. Each practice is outlined with operation and maintenance guidelines for optimal performance. Proper operation and maintenance of facilities and waste storage structures is recommended for optimal effectiveness. Please review your DNMP to identify the practices that apply to your operation.
Summary Points
Install, operate, and maintain the following practices and/or structures following NRCS recommended practice standards and recommendations. For installation and as-built records, see specific design documents located in your DNMP. Install and maintain waste storage ponds, tanks, and/or dry stacks according to their original specifications.
In general, the following guidelines should be practiced on your operation at all times.
Maintain a 12 inch freeboard and proper 24-hour 25-year storm event buffer (~3.5 in) on your storage vessel. This is to maintain the structural integrity of your storage structure.
Divert all clean water away from manure collection areas. This is to preserve your storage volume and minimize the collection and pumping of clean water.
Install and maintain gutters, downspouts, and conveyance lines to minimize collection or clean water and/or entrance of manure into clean water discharge systems.
Repair any leaking/damaged roof panels. This will limit clean water collection and preserve cow comfort.
Regularly inspect and maintain all pipelines and electrical and mechanical equipment. This simple practice can help prevent a manure discharge event from burst pipelines or broken pumps, a common cause of discharge events.
Pipelines used for transferring waste material should be flushed with clean water after use to reduce the risk of gas build up and pipeline explosion. Drain all system components in areas that are subject to freezing in the winter to prevent pipes bursting or cracking.
For details on each practice, see specific practice management guidelines below.
NRCS Practice Specs
Waste Storage Facility (NRCS 313)
Waste Storage Pond (NRCS 425)
Roof Runoff Management (NRCS 558)
Heavy Use Protection Area (NRCS 561)
Waste/Manure Transfer (NRCS 634)
A properly operated and maintained waste storage structure is an asset to your farm. The purpose of a waste storage structure is for temporary storage of animal wastes. The performance life of this installation can be assured, and usually increased, by developing and implementation of a good operation and maintenance program.
This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance. The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.
General Requirements
Do not allow human entry to any enclosed structure without safety equipment that includes ladders and breathing apparatus.
Do not allow the operation of any equipment that exceeds the design load limit on or within twenty feet of the structure.
Maintain all pumps, agitators, piping, valves and all other electrical and mechanical equipment in good operating condition by following the manufacturer's recommendations.
Maintain grounding rods and wiring for all electrical equipment in good condition.
All fences, railings, and/or warning signs shall be maintained to prevent unauthorized human or livestock entry.
Immediately repair any vandalism, vehicular or livestock damage to the structure, earthen areas surrounding the structure, or any appurtenances.
Maintain all lids, grates, and shields on ramps and openings to underground structures.
Immediately remove all foreign debris within the structure that may cause damage to pumps or agitators.
Make sure that the foundation drains are functional and screens and/or rodent guards are in place.
Maintain the soil covering adjacent to all structures at elevations shown on the plan.
Follow the schedule developed for emptying the structure.
Eradicate or otherwise remove all rodents or burrowing animals. Immediately repair any damage caused by their activity.
Repair spalls, cracks and weathered areas in concrete surfaces.
Repair or replace rusted or damaged metal and paint.
Replace weathered or displaced rock riprap to constructed grade.
Apply insecticides for insect control as per manufacturer's recommendations and precautions, as needed.
Operate system in a manner to minimize odors and air drift.
A properly operated and maintained waste storage pond is an asset to your farm. This waste storage pond was designed and installed to provide temporary storage of animal waste. The performance life of this installation can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.
This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance. The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.
Maintain all pumps, agitators, piping, valves and other electrical and mechanical equipment in good operating condition following the manufacture's recommendations.
Maintain grounding rods and wiring of all electrical equipment in good working condition.
Prior to the storage season, empty the pond to provide storage capacity for the accumulation of animal wastes and precipitation during the storage period.
Fences and/or warning signs shall be maintained to prevent unauthorized human or livestock entry.
Immediately repair any vandalism, vehicular or livestock damage to any earthfills, spillway, outlets or other appurtenances.
Maintain vigorous growth of desirable vegetative coverings. This includes reseeding, fertilization, and controlled application of herbicides when necessary. Periodic mowing or grazing may be needed to control height.
Immediately remove any foreign debris in or adjacent to the waste storage pond.
Determine and eliminate causes of settlement or cracks in the earthen sections and repair damage.
Repair spalls, cracks and weathered areas in concrete surfaces.
Repair or replace rusted or damaged metal and paint.
Replace weathered or displaced rock riprap to constructed grade,
Make sure all structure drains are functional and soil is not being transported through the drainage system. The screens and/or rodent guards shall also be kept in place.
Eradicate or otherwise remove all rodents or burrowing animals and repair any damage caused by their activity.
Immediately remove any obstructions or blockage of spillways, trash racks, or pipe inlets.
Apply insecticides for insect control as per the manufactures recommendations and precautions, as needed.
Operate System in a manner that minimizes odors and air drift.
Agitating should be completed at the appropriate location(s) in order to maintain the pond liner material.
A properly operated and maintained roof runoff management system is an asset to your farm. This system was designed and installed to divert roof runoff water before becoming in contact with agriculture wastes. The performance life of this installation can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.
This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance. The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.
Maintain all gutters and downspouts free from foreign material that reduces their ability to function.
Maintain all fasteners to securely hold all gutters and downspouts in place.
Maintain all underground conveyance lines free from debris and obstructions.
Maintain all screens and strainers in place and in good working condition.
Maintain all gutters and downspouts in good working condition and promptly repair if damaged.
Remove any trees or branches that deposit debris and reduce the capacity of the system.
A properly operated and maintained heavy use area protection installation is an asset to your farm. Heavy use area protection was designed and installed as a travel-way for animals, vehicles, and equipment and is intended to help protect water quality in the area. The performance life of the practice can be assured and usually increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.
This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance. The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.
Maintain road and pathway surfaces in good condition, which includes periodic grading and addition of surface material when necessary. Prevent surface ponding by localized grading or addition of surface materials to remove depressions. Road base-course rock may be required to stabilize the road foundation. If so, remove unstable materials and rebuild travel-way.
Promptly repair or replace damaged components.
Remove debris or blockage in road and pathway drainage facilities. Maintain road and pathway drainage capacities.
Remove debris from road and pathway surfaces, adjoining land areas, ditches and drainage facilities.
Maintain good vegetative cover, mulches, and other covering installed for erosion protection. Limit traffic with fencing or barriers, where needed.
Eradicate or otherwise remove all rodents or burrowing animals. Immediately repair any damage caused by their activity.
Immediately repair any vandalism, vehicular or livestock damage.
A properly operated and maintained waste transfer system is an asset to your farm. This waste transfer system is designed and installed to move wastes from the collection area to storage, treatment or disposal. The performance life of this installation can be assured and will be increased by developing and carrying out a good operation and maintenance program.
This practice will require you to perform periodic operation and maintenance to maintain satisfactory performance. The following recommendations will help you in performing adequate operation and maintenance.
Maintain all pumps, agitators, piping, valves, and electrical and mechanical equipment in good operating condition following the manufacture's recommendations.
Maintain grounding rods and wiring of all electrical equipment in good working condition.
Maintain all safety shields on pumps, motors, and electrical or mechanical equipment.
All fencing railings and/or warning signs shall be maintained to prevent unauthorized human or livestock entry.
Immediately repair any vandalism, vehicular or livestock damage to the system.
It is advisable to flush the system with clean water after each use.
Drain all system components in areas that are subject to freezing. If parts of the system cannot be drained, a non-corrosive anti freeze solution shall be added
Repair spalls, cracks and weathered areas in concrete surfaces.
Repair or replace rusted or damaged metal and paint,
Apply insecticides for insect control as per the manufactures recommendations and precautions, as needed.
Operate system in a manner that minimizes odor and air drift.
Pipelines used for transferring waste material should be flushed with clean water after use to reduce the risk of gas build up and pipeline explosion.
Provisions should be made for removing solids during management operations from conveyance conduits such as concrete lined ditches, etc.
For the hauling of material from one geographical area to another, record keeping by the producer or his/her designated representative will be required and may include such items as: type, nutrient content, and amount of material transferred; solids percentage of the material; date of the transfer; name and address of the source and destination of the material; and condition of the material as left at the destination (spread, stockpiled and covered, etc.).